March 14, 2018 at 3:14 PM
What is PIGO ?
Pi Go "π Go" is a creative and entrepreneur event disclosed (in digital format), focused on the value of citizenship, as well as the domain of time/ method of exposition of each speaker. This event has as an objective to actively intervene in civil society with ideas, concepts, values and innovative opportunities as a means to create enrepreneur attitudes (both from the participants as from the speakers), favoring and establishing proximity relations with the local and regional institutions (associations, local administrations, organizations, and participants)- promoting networking, as well as the possibility to create clusters . There will also be, for the purpose of this event, 3+14 invited speakers with the proper knowledge on know-how with the objective of facing the leverage of this event. Each speaker invited/participating will have π time (3:14min) to showcase an idea, concept, an innovation or an opinion in a pitch format