Ricardo Pocinho
Graduated in Law, Doctorate in Training Processes and in Psycho - pathology by Post - Doctorate in Educational Sciences. Researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development, Universidade Lusófona. President and Scientific Coordinator of the National Association of Social Gerontology. Advisor to the Directing Council of the Regional Health Administration of the Center and Executive Director of an MBA. He has written more than 200 original texts, including books, book chapters, scientific and opinion articles.

Maria João Costa
Maria is part of the communication office of the INATEL Foundation, she is a freenlancer reporter, # mariabiscateira, where she developed her work in Porto Channel in the Sharpened Language program, but very present in LIVES Facebook for brands / companies present in the networks. He began his career in the area of communication in Vila Real, at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro with a degree in Communication Sciences. He was in Madrid, Erasmus, where he studied at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He graduated from TVI in the Department of Planning and Planning where he ended up signing a contract for six months. With the reality show Secret Story 3 began its adventure in the management and creation of online content for the website, social networks and applications of TVI. Three years later he was in the team of innovative projects like the application "Rising Star", application of You on TV and TVI Player. Currently works for INATEL.

Jorge Rosado
Jorge Rosado is a clown!
For more than 12 years he has been studying and working the art of Clown and Doctor Clown. He fell in love with clown art in 2005 without any family tradition,
when he taught as an EVT teacher. He started making model balloons in children's playgrounds and
birthday / events but quickly realized that he needed training and since then every year he does training in the clown area.

Vasco Ribeiro
33 years old, born in Caldas da Rainha. Coordinating professor at ISLA Santarém. Visiting Professor of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar. Postgraduate Coordinator in Image, Protocol & amp; Events of the European University, Lisbon. Degree in Catering and Catering Management, by the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea of ​​Peniche - IPLeiria. Master in Marketing and Tourism Promotion, by the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea of ​​Peniche - IPLeiria.
PhD in Business Sciences in the specialty of Marketing, Fernando Pessoa University, Porto. Attended the 2nd Doctorate in Tourism, University of Seville, Spain. Author of the book "Courtesy, Label Protocol in Luxury Hospitality" (2nd edition), Chiado Editora. He is developing with the Digital Mosca agency a mobile digital app in an innovative area in Portugal. He is writing the 2nd book on Modern Label with the publisher Bertrand. He is a TV commentator in the area of ​​etiquette and protocol.

Gonçalo Castro
Gonçalo Castro was born in Lisbon in 1980, grew up with K7's of music in his backpack, a Spectrum computer in the bedroom and reading A Bola e Albert Camus. He studied Social Communication and Marketing at ISCSP and worked at Valentim de Carvalho in the year of Expo 98. On September 11, 2001, he entered Antena 3 to leave only 11 years later and accepted the RTP marketing challenge.
João Pereira
Colonel João Filipe Bernardo Pereira was born in Lisbon, on March 19, 1968.
In May of 1995, he was in the squadron 201 to operate F-16ª, in Monte Real.
In October 1996 he joined the Air Force Academy.
Has taken several courses such as, course of piloting, qualification course, among others.
On October 13, 2015 he assumed the position of Chief of Operations Division of the State-
Major of the Air Force until October 2017, when he was appointed Commander of Air Base No. 5.
Colonel João Pereira has about 4000 flight hours, of which about 2400 in F-16, is married and has three children.

Carlos Secretário
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Natural secretary of São João da Madeira, born on May 12, 1970 is a former soccer player. He played at Futebol Clube do Porto, where he played from 1993 to 1996 and from 1998 to 2004. He also played for Real Madrid, a team he defended between 1996 and 1997. He finished his playing career in 2005.
Today he is dedicated to coaching. From the national wedding, Carlos Secretary recorded 35 matches in Portugal and as an international played two Eurocopas.

Luis Sequeira
Luis Sequeira
Luís Sequeira was born in Toronto, Canada, but grew up literally in his mother's skirts - a Portuguese from Aveiro - while working at the sewing machine at home. His fate was traced: he became a stylist and worked for several years in the fashion industry.
It was like this until the early 90's, when he fell in love with the movies and started working as a costume designer. He is the person responsible for the clothes that the characters use in the movies and this year he was nominated for the Best Costume
work he did in "The Form of Water", by Guillermo del Toro. Despite not winning the prize, the film won four Oscars, including Best Picture. "Carrie", "The Thing", "Special Correspondents", "Cinderella Man" or "The Strain" series were some of the other stories that Luís Sequeira helped build. Luís Sequeira is now working on the sequel to "It," which debuts in 2019.

Rui Miguel Coelho
Rui Miguel Coelho is the leading and most prominent European specialist in Personal Branding. He is currently the CEO - Chief Enthusiast Officer of PersonalBrands® Portugal and the Executive Director of Westfield + Brooks © and CareerAGENTS © Europe. He has an International Certification as a Personal Brand Specialist for Europe and Brazil. It is also the Global Marketing Strategy Advisor of ROI UP Agency, an international company dedicated to Digital Marketing. He is the founder of the Junior Entrepreneurship Academy and the 1st Executive Director of
EcoCampus. He is an author and speaker in the areas of Marketing, Branding and Human Resources.

M-PeX is a musician, composer and producer who has on the Portuguese guitar the distinctive feature of his musical identity, positioning it as a solo instrument in diversified and unpredictable sound environments. His creations try to modernize and globalize this traditional instrument of Portuguese culture, culminating in a bold and innovative musical confluence.

José Sousa
José Manuel Matos da Silva Sousa, 46, from Aveiro. Nurse at age 23, I went to the Hospital of the Capuchos in Lisbon, the Hospital of Guarda and since 2002 in the hospital of Aveiro (emergency service) and Emergency medical car and Reanimation being currently one of the coordinators. Trainer of basic support, basic with DAE, immediate and advanced of life believed by INEM. Trainer of transport of critical patient in the CHBV.

Diogo Costa
Diogo Costa was one of the Portuguese Youtubers that has grown the most in recent months. Having created its channel in May of last year 2018, it already has more than 255,000 subscribers on Youtube and more than 184,000 followers on Instagram. In 2013 he participated in the
X Factor program, where he joined with 3 other competitors and thus emerged the X4U. He was also part of Os Nova, and now prepares new projects as a solo artist. Born in Porto, 23 years old and graduated in Design and Multimedia, he is now an inspiration for an immense following.
Carly Santos
Born in Madeira, he is now 19 years old and holds a law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. It started its channel on Youtube in October 2018 and already has more than 50,000 subscribers, counting also about 36,000 followers on Instagram. She loves to dance, but what makes her really happy is that she inspires thousands of people with her way through her videos.